Referral/Admission Process

What Makes Someone Hospice Appropriate?

Patients are appropriate for hospice care when they have been diagnosed with a condition that limits their prognosis to 6 months or less. At that time, curative treatment is no longer the patient’s choice or option and at that time comfort, care, and symptom management become the primary focus. Our team will work with the patient’s primary physician to obtain the information necessary to determine patient eligibility.

What is the Hospice Admission Process?

A patient can be referred to Hospice of Washington County by anyone including their primary care physician, family, or facility staff. HWC staff will gather the necessary information to begin the process including name, date of birth, contact information, primary care provider, and medical diagnosis and symptoms. Additional medical information, History, and Physical Information or H&P, will also be requested. This information will support the patient’s medical needs and diagnoses that determine their qualifications for hospice care by Medicare rules and regulations.

Once this information is received it is taken to the HWC Medical Director for review. He/she will determine from this information if the patient is appropriate for hospice care. After a decision is made a member of the HWC Admission Team will contact the patient/family to notify them of the decision.

If a patient is determined to not be appropriate for hospice services, the initial information will be kept on file and the patient can be reassessed in the future to access services once they are appropriate.

If a patient is found to be appropriate for hospice services a meeting will be scheduled with the patient/family by a member of the Admission Team to complete the admission process and paperwork as well as answer any questions that the patient/family may have. A Hospice Nurse will complete the Initial Nursing Assessment within 24 hours of admission, usually on the same day of admission. A Hospice Social Worker will complete the Psychosocial Assessment and other disciplines will make their initial visit within five days following admission.

Make a Referral

Anyone can refer a patient to hospice, a family member or friend, medical professional, or even the patient themselves. We believe communication and education is an important part of providing exceptional care. Contact us anytime to arrange a conversation or consultation with one of our team members. 

Phone: 319.653.7321


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